Five Finger Typist is a typing tutor for people who
want to learn to type with one hand. It teaches the
accepted keyboarding technique for one-handed touch typing
on the standard (QWERTY) keyboard. Learn a life-long
skill which can be used on any computer, tablet or phone.
No need for a specialised one-handed keyboard which has to
be transported around with the user.
Five Finger Typist is a set of structured typing
lessons which first teach the home position and then
progressively introduce new keys while revising keys already
learnt. 21 lessons teach all letters, numbers and some
punctuation marks.

An animated hand on the screen shows the correct hand
movement as keys are typed.
It is easy to customise Five Finger Typist to
assist learning:
- choose from 5 screen-font sizes - standard to
very large
- typing sounds can be turned on during typing
- a typing-error sound can be chosen
- hear an audio prompt of the next keys to
- the key you typed can be spoken
- a typewriter sound is made when you type
You can save your typing hand, the last lesson worked and
other settings so you can start next time with the same setup.
Five Finger Typist is extremely easy to use. It's
not necessary to master complex concepts to use the program.
Suitable for child or adult
Either the right, or left, hand can be chosen easily
Opens up new communication skills - email, letters,
social media, applications and computer games
Touch typing skills assist students in all levels of learning
Touch typing skills assist adults in communication and

Lessons are graded, starting with
simple exercises
A self-paced typing program
System Requirements: