Five Finger Typist
is suitable for
anyone, any age,
who wants to learn
to touch type
with one hand
Are you interested in
becoming a distributor
of Five Finger Typist?
We look forward to
hearing from you.
Please contact us:
SoftDawn Software
5 Dudley Street
North Fitzroy
Victoria, 3068
Australia Tel:
(03) 9489 4298
International Tel:
+61 3 9489 4298
Five Finger Typist
at the affordable price of US$85.00 (includes postage).
You can purchase Five Finger Typist on-line direct from the developer, SoftDawn Software.
To buy Five Finger Typist now, click the button:
Five Finger Typist can also be purchased from a number of distributors in different parts of the world.
You should check with your local distributor for their price in your local currency.
You can purchase Five Finger Typist on-line by clicking the button:
You can order by e-mail, or by post and pay
by cheque, or postal order. With your order please include your name and postal
address for delivery.
Paying by Cheque:
If you wish to pay by cheque, please send a cashier's (bank) cheque for the equivalent of US$85.00
drawn on an Australian bank. The cheque should be made payable to 'SoftDawn Software' and sent
SoftDawn Software,
5 Dudley Street, North Fitzroy, 3068, AUSTRALIA.
Orders will be filled promptly. Please allow for airmail to European and North American
destinations which takes about 7 to 10 days from Australia.
Also in Australia Spectronics
Unit E1, Commercial Court,
130 Kingston Road, Underwood, QLD, 4119
Tel: (07) 3808 6833, Fax: (07) 3808 6108